【香港品牌 EBELT 】WM 131 RFID 印度製 山羊皮薄卡片銀包 / 真皮錢包 男短夾 Goat Leather Mini Wallet
This wallet is made from full grain goat leather both outside and inside. It is made with RFID protection feature. The RFID wallet can block and prevent all the unauthorized non contact credit card scanner from scanning your credit cards stored inside this wallet. Besides, it is durable, adorable and environmental friendly. Our design on this wallet is "back to basic". Everything is simple and therefore it always keeps a place in the trend.
我們的銀包外層和内格都是用頭層山羊皮製造的。 裏層特定位置加裝射頻識別的阻隔物料, 可切底阻隔來自外面的非接觸式掃描器來掃讀銀包內的信用卡資料。保護你的私隱。 銀包的款式以簡約實用為本,不論潮流如何變化,都不會過時。
Product Specification 產品資料
- Length 長 : 9cm (+/- 0.2cm)
- Height 高 : 10.8cm (+/- 0.2cm)
- Number card slot 卡位 : 10
- Number of Photo slot: 相位 : 0
- Number of Notes compartment 紙幣位: 1
- Number of Coins compartment 散銀位: 0