本店專營瑞典品牌Fjallraven [狐狸袋] 及日本人氣品牌バジエックス公事包,背包及斜孭袋包等各種日本包包。 另外,我們更成立自家香港本土品牌,採用不同種類真皮皮革製作各款錢包皮夾,皮帶及公事包,希望給大家帶來一些皮氣。自2008年成立至今,宗旨都是把優質產品帶給大家。

Our shop is an authorised seller for Fjallraven Bags and Japan Brand - Unofuku Baggex.  All the bags are direct from Sweden and Japan.   We also developed our own brand for leather goods such as Belts, Wallets and Briefcases.  As a Hong Kong local brand since 2008, we hope our products bring you a quality living.

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  • 非常好的服務,皮帶CP值高!


    Ben Lo

  • "好有質感!"

    Pepsi C.

  • "Having a very good shopping experience and very helpful"

    Vincent L.

  • "用料感覺好舒服,多卡位,使用方便"

    Tai C.

  • "Just finished payment at 11pm. The wallet arrive the SF station on the next day evening. Highly efficient order processing."

    Rebecca H.

  • "Very good leather belt! I think this will last ten years or more. Excellent!"

    John M.

  • "貨品質素好好,出貨快,服務態度非常好!"


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